Fast forward 15 or so months later...
we talked about having a sibling for Blaze. Were we being selfish after being blessed with such a miracle in him? He has and continues to be, such an amazing child. Yes I know, EVERYONE says that about their children, but we are truly lucky. Many people comment on how they 'have never seen such a great kid' (not even their own children were as good as Blaze!') He has had NO skin issues, he was not a fussy baby and is not a cranky toddler, he eats great, he has slept through the night since he was 8 weeks old, he is very, very healthy, and he has such a great demeanor. He is SO happy, SO friendly, SO sociable, etc. etc. etc. Were we betting the odds in that we would have another child even half as good as Blaze? Could we afford to go through another cycle in India? Would Blaze's egg donor be available? Did we want to start the roller-coaster of emotions ALL over again with the possible failures, the 9 months on pins and needles having our surrogate thousands of miles away. We knew she would be in the BEST of hands with Blaze's Godparents AKA the Doctors of SurrogacyIndia, Dr. Sudhir and Dr. Yashodhara, but it is still so nerve racking...what pregnancy isn't right?
We talked and we talked, going back and forth, when would be the perfect time? Blaze was getting older, and so were we!
Fate would this time be in our favor! We were chatting with Dr. Sudhir as we have done many a night for the last 3 years. Out of the blue he asks "when are we going to give Blaze a sibling?" We hummed and hawed and gave them all of our excuses and reasoning and blah, blah, blah. Then he tells us, "We have been searching for over 6 months and we have found Blaze's egg donor"' REALLY??? It gets even better, "She has agreed to do just one last cycle for them." WHAT??!! Could this be true? It had to be fate. This was our time. So we agreed to not mess with fate and go ahead. This just has to be a sign that it is the right time to do this again. So we said, okay we are ready.
At this point, the rest seems like just a blur. We went through the process. Next thing I know, we get the phone call 'You are pregnant!' Your beta number is 561.7. I remember my mouth dropping open and thinking, 'Is this what I think it is...twins????!!!!' OH NO! What did we get ourselves into? We only wanted one more child. But as they say, be careful what you wish for. My worst fear and greatest dream was about to come true.
Here are the STATS thus far:
Nov. 30, 2010 - Our amazing egg donor produces 18 eggs. 14 are mature.
Dec. 2, 2010 - 3 embryos are transferred to FB (our chosen surrogate)
Dec. 14, 2010 - The phone call arrives....POSITIVE PREGNANCY! Beta number 561.7
Dec. 18, 2010 - 2nd beta number 2577.0
Dec. 30, 2010 - Ultra Sound Report is as follows:
CRL A 6.0 mm - 6 weeks 3 days - cardiac activity well appreciated in this fetus.
CRL B 6.7 mm - 6 weeks 4 days - cardiac activity well appreciated in this fetus.
CRL C 1.4mm - Less then 5 weeks - Cardiac activity not appreciated in this pole. :(
3 SAC's???? that's a surprise. All I could think of is...'Thank God we don't have to go through the pain of a selective reduction. Mother nature is taking over.'
And so, here we are. Not just pregnant, but pregnant with TWINS!
6.5 weeks
9 weeks