We are uneventfully entering our 2nd trimester. WHEWWWWWW! (Insert very big sigh of relief here)
All is going well with FB and our little ones. We had our Nucal Fold Thickness scan ( just a fancy term for testing for Down Syndrome and other chromosomal defects of the fetuses by looking at the fluid around the neck) done at the delivering hospital just the other day and the results were GREAT!!! Baby A is measuring about 5 days smaller then Baby B, Fetal heart rates are 150 and 152 and both have a nasal bone and all that other good stuff they look for. Basically both look great and the scan report says all is well in utero.
Our official due date now by ultrasound is August 24, 2011. That is 2 days before Blaze's birthday ( he was 3 weeks early). Now it is unlikely that they will go to the full 40 weeks, but still Blaze's siblings will be almost 2 years apart from him. I think that is the perfect age difference.
We are trying to prepare...once again. A little part of me is REALLY hoping we have at least one boy, since I went a little crazy with clothes, shoes, hats and little boy stuff for Blaze. It would be such a shame to not be able to use it all again since it is basically all like-new.
The big question always seems to be the same..."So, do you know what you are having?" And our answer still and always remains the same..."Not until they are born." It gets some strange looks but when we explain the policy of India it usually changes to a smile and, "Wow that's a great surprise!" Truly I am just hoping and praying for 2 healthy babies no matter what sex. We are already listing our favorite names and have to come up with 2 of each...not such an easy task. After all we do have a 'Blaze' and I don't think a 'Joe' or 'Jane' sounds just quite right.
It feels all so strange to be going through this journey again. Same similar feelings when the emails and phone calls come through from India, your heart skips a little beat. We have decided to make our 3 car garage into a 2 car garage and build an enclosed play room with access to the house, for the kids. A pretty big task to take on. Blaze's rain-forest themed nursery will now be the twins (with a little work on refinishing the crib since Beaver Blaze made work of that). It is a gender neutral theme so we can't go wrong. So, Blaze will move next door into one of the spare bedrooms. We are still deciding on a theme for him, but Gerry found a cool Firetruck bed on Craigslists and we thought that might be a slightly easier chore then the months of work put into the nursery.
We are feeling slightly more comfortable with the process of India, etc. since this will be our second time around. But it will be almost 2 years since our last visit, so we are preparing for any changes as with the bureaucracy of India we are sure some have occurred.
I am a little more relaxed at this part of the journey, but much more anxious about the coming months and the fact that we will now have 2 newborns and a toddler in tow. I think I am having anxiety attacks regularly when I start to think about all of it. I now can officially say I am freaking out. Excited, but super duper scared and anxious of doing it all again times 2, plus 1. Oh my...just typing it, makes my heart race. Now Gerry on the other hand is Mr. Cool Cucumber...'We will be fine.' 'How hard can it be?' 'I am sure we will have struggles, but everything will be okay.' Yes, as always, I am the glass half empty and he is half full. We make a great team though, as we certainly meet somewhere in the middle with us both being at either ends of the spectrum of feelings. I suppose only time will tell, and in my eyes time is flying by.
So without further ado... here are our perfectly precious babes: