Friday, July 15, 2011


OMG.... We just got the call. 4cm dilated and 70% effaced. Baby will be here today or tomorrow almost a certainty. Way too early for us, we are so not prepared. Mad scramble to pick of a few remaining items, start (yes i did sat START) packing, book flights, get hotel reservation changed, book my neice's flight straight to Mumbai to meet us there.

Here we go again. We hope surro Mom and babies are okay.

Watch this spot!


  1. Wow, that's a shock! Hope the labour is as smooth as possible and you get all your stuff together and sorted and on you way to Mumbai in no time!!!!! Thinking of you all, best of luck!!!!!! Adam and Michael

  2. OMG...did i say OMG!!!!! i am sooooo excited for you guys, all the best with your mad dash..keeping babies and all in thoughts!!!!

  3. Oh, dear you! What a rush and hurry! And how exciting!!!! I'm eagerly waiting for good news and praying for a smooth labour. Please, be careful despite the nervousness and hurry. Many hugs of strength!
    Anu alias Nipi

  4. So excited to be an auntie to 2 more!!! Always enough love to go around!!!
    Love you guys!

  5. Oh wow! How very exciting for you all! We are thinking of you, your surromama and your two little ones. Keep us posted!
